Phierha is intended to create freehand pixel-based drawings. It includes quite a comprehensive set of drawing tools. Being more sophisticated than most available drawing applications, this one is certainly harder to use, so I do not think it is suitable for beginners or users with poor design skills.
Considering the program type, Phierha shares interface elements with other drawing software, so you will find the usual blank canvas, a set of tools and a color palette. However, the difference is derived from the way these tools and even the palette are used. While it is nice to see, the tools are more powerful than in other common applications, they are also harder to use. I did not particularly like the Text tool. In my opinion, it should allow the user to preview what the text will look like while you're browsing through different fonts. In addition, I found it very difficult to modify a text once it had been inserted into your drawing. On the other hand, it features quite a complete color palette with gradient-fill options.
Although Phierha uses its own file format, you can also export your files in some of the most popular image formats, but this means you should renounce to some of its advantages, such as the availability of drawing layers.
In conclusion, Phierha is undoubtedly a powerful drawing application. My main objection, however, is related to the complexity resulting from greater sophistication. Unfortunately, no help files have been written for this application yet, but you can find some online tutorials for its sister application, Pixia. For some users, the fine results may be worth the extra efforts, while others may still favor ease of use over sophistication. After all, it is also true that the outcome will depend more on your skills than on the program itself.